Advanced Security

With advanced security, the user is authenticated by comparing the user ID and password with the user information stored in an internal or external repository. The administrator continues to maintain the user account in EndoWorks, and the information defined in EndoWorks is shared with either the internal or an external repository. Administrator privileges for managing user profiles can be set to allow "read/write" or "read" only privileges.
Key Features:
- Support Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) and Active Directory interfaces
- Authenticate users by comparing the user ID and password with the user information stored in an internal or external repository on the CA Inc.’s eTrust Embedded Identity and Access Management server
- Maintain user accounts in EndoWorks (via local administrator) and share with either the internal or external repository
- Set administrator privileges (if configured for internal advanced security, the administrator has read/write privileges to manage the user’s profile; If configured for external advanced security, the administrator is granted "read" privileges only and cannot change the user's profile)
- Support strong password rules (e.g., min length, numeric characters, max repeating characters, password re-use prevention, password expiration with warnings, and lockout after a configurable number of failed logins — according to CA Inc.’s eTrust Toolkit)