Radial EBUS
Olympus Radial EBUS
For precise, real-time confirmation of lesion location
With CMA's approval of lung cancer screening in 2015, pulmonologists will see an increased number of patients with solitary pulmonary lesions that require follow-up care. Only the Olympus EBUS Solution offers radial EBUS, which is recommended in the 2013 ACCP Lung Cancer Guidelines for peripheral bronchoscopy.
360-degree, Real-time
Radial EBUS provides a 360-degree image of the airway wall and surrounding structures external to the airway allowing real-time confirmation of the lesion location.
Proven Technology
Pooled clinical data demonstrates that radial EBUS provides a more accurate alternative to conventional transbronchial bronchoscopy, without the increased risk of clinical complications associated with CT-guided transthoracic needle aspiration (TTNA).
Peripheral Pulmonary Lesion Sampling
The PeriView FLEX TBNA needle brings new capabilities to peripheral bronchoscopy with enhanced flexibility and versatility to improve access. Compatible with the full line of Olympus guide sheaths and bronchoscopes with an instrument channel 2.0 mm and above, the PeriView FLEX offers sampling options never before available in the peripheral airways.
Effective Targeting in
the Periphery
With CMS’s approval of lung cancer screening in 2015, pulmonologists will see a number of patients with solitary pulmonary lesions that require follow-up care. Consequently, there is a clear need for direct and accurate diagnosis of malignancy using safe, minimally invasive methods.
Pooled clinical data demonstrates that radial EBUS provides a more accurate alternative to conventional transbronchial bronchoscopy, without the increased risk of clinical complications associated with CT-guided transthoracic needle aspiration (TTNA).
Pneumothorax rate for guided bronchoscopy is significantly lower (1.5%) compared to TTNA (~25%).1

Case Study
Dr. Alex Chen of Washington University describes diagnosing pulmonary lesions with peripheral bronchoscopy and radial EBUS.
The Olympus EBUS Solution,
Proven Precision in Real Time
Radial EBUS probes belong to the Olympus EBUS Solution family of products. Olympus offers everything you need to perform real-time lymph node and peripheral lesion sampling in one complete system for improved efficiency and quality patient care.

Curvilinear EBUS

Radial EBUS
Contact Your Olympus
Endoscopy Account Manager
Is your institution equipped to handle the increased demand
for more accurate and efficient methods for assessing
central and peripheral regions of the lungs?

1. Gould MK, Fletcher J, Iannettoni MD, et al. Evaluation of patients with pulmonary nodules: when is it lung cancer? ACCP evidence-based clinical practice guidelines (2nd edition). American College of Chest Physicians. Chest. 2007 Sep;132(suppl 3):108S-130S.
2. Eberhardt R, Anantham D, Ernst A, et al. Multimodality bronchoscopic diagnosis of peripheral lung lesions: a randomized controlled trial. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2007;176(1):36-41.
3. Wang Memoli JS, Nietert PJ, Silvestri GA. Meta-analysis of guided bronchoscopy for the evaluation of the pulmonary nodule. Chest. 2012 Aug;142(2):385-393.